Friday, April 24, 2009

Four Ways To Keep Your Customer Service Top-Notch And Indispensible

Flexible Workforce
In the face of staff cuts, cross-train employees so they can fill a variety of roles.

Spoil Your Staff
Uncertainty about their jobs can shatter employee morale, so offer work schedule flexibility and other rewards to compensate.

Invest In Low-Cost Technology
Consider purchasing small pieces of new equipment that make your workers’ lives easier.

Play Favorites
Keep your best customers happy with fast service, extra attention and flexible rules.

Source: BusinessWeek

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Plant a Shape Bookmark

• Bookmark with seeded paper shape
• Perfect to communicate environmental messages
• Choose from 8 seeded paper colors
• 9 seeded shapes
• 12 varieties of flowers: Sweet William Pinks, Rocket Larkspur, Candytuft, Baby Blue Eyes, Corn Poppy, Forget-Me-Not, Wallflower, Columbine, Blue Flax, Zinnia, Lemon Mint, and Five Spot
Product Size:6" x 2 1/4" (Overall)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Promotional Video

Many other products available. The video is a short sample.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Product Spotlight - Bookmarks

Bookmarks are not just for authors and publishers!

Virtually any industry can use bookmarks as a way to advertise information. We generally associate bookmarks for libraries, authors, publishers and schools. Listed below are other ways to use this inexpensive tool to advertise your business or product.

Authors and Publishers – Bookmarks are a great tool to use at literary events to promote your book. Bookmarks can be printed to match your book cover.

Libraries – Use them to promote reading in the community.

Schools – Print the school name and/or mascot on them to showcase your school or school district.

Realtors – House shaped bookmarks are a great way to advertise your agency or yourself. This puts a little something different into the hands of a potential buyer/seller.

Insurance Agents – Print bookmarks with product information along with your contact information.

Bands – Have a CD your trying to promote? Let us put your CD cover on a bookmark.

Bookmarks can be printed on two sides in full color for as little as $45 for 500 plus shipping.