Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Year - Back to Basics

Each year countless people make resolutions to change something about their personal lives. Most of those “give up” or quit after a few short weeks. What about resolutions for your business? We work on preparing budgets for the year, establishing goals that we think people want to hear, but how much effort do we put into working our plan?

Our first goal was to update our website to provide more information, make it easier to locate product and make it appealing to the end user. Our focus over the past two weeks has been accomplishing that goal. Our much improved website has been launched,

With the current economy conditions, our next goal is getting back to basics. Like many other companies, we continue to seek out ways to grow our client base. Like so many others, we are focused on cold calling, whether by phone or door-to-door. We sometimes forget one of the most effective means of obtaining new clients, referrals.

Talk to your current clients and ask them for referrals. I have a good friend who lives by a philosophy of “the answer is always no, until you ask.” Asking for referrals is cost effective, builds on the relationship with current clients, and provides a means for an introduction. Who do your current clients know? Ask them to find the answer.

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